About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Risco - a Journal of Research in Architecture and Urbanism, published since 2003, linked to the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU-USP), is dedicated to expanding the theoretical, historical and critical debate in architecture and urbanism.

His specialization privileges interdisciplinary work - along with history, engineering, geography, social sciences, arts, philosophy and literature - and aims to contribute to the national and international debate of these fields of knowledge in the perspective of renewing the look and research practices.

 The journal also aims to contribute to the closer dialogue and exchanges between the research carried out in the various centers and national and international research institutes.

Peer Review Process

Papers submitted to Revista Risco are first evaluated by the Editors, regarding the formal criteria according to the publication submission guidelines and norms.

Once approved, the word is submitted to blind evaluation by two referees chosen by Editorial Board members or ad hoc referees regarding its suitability to the journal's profile, content, theoretical relevance, quality and contribuition of research to the theoretical field to wich it is linked and other aspects defined by the Editorial Board. 

According to the evaluation form, the reviewer may APPROVE, REJECT or suggest changes, in the case of CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (in wich case, the author must resubmit the work with the recommendations contemplated so that it will be reevaluated by the two reviewers who will then issue the final opinion). 

The APPROVED works wiil obey the publication shedule defined by the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board may, at its discretion, order articles from invetd authors, in witch case they are exempetd from evaluated by ad hoc referees.



Until 2017 the journal published two issues per year.

In the years 2018-2019, RISCO magazine published three issues per year.

From 2020, RISCO magazine will publish a single issue.


Open Access Policy 

This journal offers immediated free acces to this content, following the principle that making the scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater wordwide democratizaition of knowledge.


 Licença Creative Commons

Risco- Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Research is a licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribuition - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 

The copyright holder is the author of the article. Risco requires only the novelty in the publication of the article. The author has the right to publish his article in the convenience and should cite the journal. 

Free of charge, Risco authorizes republication of its articles, provided that the source and autorship are properly cited.

Indexing Sources 

National Databases


  • http://diadorim.ibict.br/handle/1/2117


  • https://www.sumarios.org/revista/revista-risco

International Databases 

 Actualidad Iberoamericana

  • http://www.citrevistas.cl/b2.htm
ARLA - Asociación de Revistas Latinoamericanas de Arquitectura
  • http://arlared.org
BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
  •  https://www.base-search.net/about/en
LATINDEX - Sistema Regional de Información em Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina el Caribe, España y Portugal
  • Instituição: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 
  • URL: http://www.latindex.org
MIAR - Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals
  • Instituição: Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació - Universitat de Barcelona
  • URL: http://miar.ub.edu

SJIF – Scientific Journal Impact Factor

  • http://sjifactor.com

Acces Provider

Academic Google

Capes Portal

  • Instituição: Ministério da Educação
  • URL: http:// www.periodicos.capes.gov.br


Support Program for Periodic Scientific Publications of the Univeristy of São Paulo - Accreditation Commision Integrated Libary System Of USP - Technical Departament. 

Charges and Fees

Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism does not charge its authors fees for submission and publication of articles. The Resources used come from the Support Program for Periodic Scientific Publications of the Univeristy of São Paulo - Accreditation Commission Integrated Libary System Of USP - Technical Departament. 

Ethics Policy

Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism has a commitment to the ethics and quality of its publications, plagiarism or any other unethical behavior is not accepted. 

Risco is based on the Ethical behavior of all partiens involved in the publication : authors, reviewers and editors. 

This statement is based on Elsevier recommendation and the Committee on Publication Etchics - COPE of the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines)

Ethical Principles

The decision of the Editors and the Editorial Board will not be influenced by commercial considerations or any source of revenue.

Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism has a commitment to intellectual standards and ethical principles and is willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary. With respect to ethical complaints about a submitted manuscript or published article, editors will take the necessary steps to investigate the complaint as well as its corrections or retractions. 

Duties of Editors 

Publishing decision:Editors responsible of deciding wich articles submitted to the journal should be published are guided by the Journal's policies, wich must comply witch current legal requirements regarding defamation, copyrighty infringement  and plagiarism.

Transparency and respect: editors should evaluate submitted manuscripts without regard to the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationaility or political philosophy.

Confidentiality: publishers should not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript except to reviewers and editorial advisors. 

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Editors should refuse to evaluate manuscripts in wich they have conflicts of interest, for collaborative, competitive reasons or other links with any of the authors or institutions linked to the manuscripts, to do so, they must rely on the Editorial Board. 

Involvement and cooperation in investigations : editors should take reasonable action when ethical complaints are made about a submitted manuscript or published article. 

Eitorial responsibility: editors should always preserve  the identify of authors and reviewers in anonymity and treat manuscripts as a confidential document.

Duties of Opinionists:

Confidentiatily: Papers received for review should be trated as confidential documents, should not disclose any information about the manuscript, or show or discuss with others. 

Disclosure and conflict of interest : refeeres should keep confidential and should not use, for personal gain, information or ideas obtained by reading the manuscripts.

About sources: Reviewers should indetify relevant published works that were not cited by the authors, and should draw the editors' attention to any substantial similary or overlap between the manuscript in question and any other published article of wich they have personal knowledge. 

Author's Duties

Originality and plagiarism : Authors should ensure that the works are entirely original and that they use the work and / or texts of others to be properly cited. Plagiarism in all its forms is unethical editorial behavior and is unacceptable. 

Autorship : Autorship should be restricted to those who made a significant contribuition to the design, project, execution or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contribuitions should be listed by co-authors. People who participated in certain aspects of the research project should be listed as a contributors. The lead author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included in the article. The lead author must make sure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and that they have agreed to it submission for publication. 

Multiple, redundant and simultaneous publication: Authors should not publish manuscripts that describe essentially the same research in more than one journal. 

About sources: Author should cite the publications that were important in determining the nature of manuscript, as the work of other authors should always be acknowledged. Information obtained in a conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties should be used only with the explicit written permissions of the source.

The journal uses the Turnitin system to vetify manuscript similarity. 

Errors in published works: When authors discover a significant error or inaccurancy in their published work, it is their obligation to inform and cooperate with the editors to correct the article. 


Journal History 

Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, existing since 2003, initially linked to the Gratuated Program in Architecture and Urbanism of the Eschool of Engineering of São Carlos and since 2011 linked to the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, is part of a group of initiatives that throughout the twentieth century, each in on its own way, have been recognizing and delimiting an audience interested in architecture and urbanism, although often divided into categories of readers of very specific magazines: stutents; that of schools; that of project or plan professionals; the techinical and constructive; that of consumers; that of information; that of cultural action; avant-guard, etc. 

Risco differs from previous journal families by the editorial axis its adopts. It is not a matter of rediting another iconography journal, architectural manifest or ideology, urban planning, design or construciton, or multiplying the ways in wich architecture is articulated witch decoratio, engineering and construction, the garden or landscape, the fine arts and national issues, popular culture or contemporary trends. While benefiting from the history of these editorial experiences and critically incorporing much of their themes, we propose to intervene in the space to date only extemporaneously reserved for the theory, history and critique of architecture and urbanism. 

Tangencia, therefore, some of the concerns raised by a newer generation of journals linked to educational and research institutions that in their regularity and difficulties of existence reveal the discomfort of a field of knowlodge that only seems to take hold in the country in the continuous short circuits that accompany your cultural history. 

it is a magazine dedicated to broadening the theoretical, historical and critical debate in architecture and urbanism. His specialization however, contemplates and recognizes the validity of interdisciplinary work - together with history, engineering, social sciences, arts, philosophy and literature - in the renewal of the look and practices of research.