"Old Agonies, New Technologies" Creative and Productive Song-related Processes in Cururu Paulista


  • Elisângela de Jesus Santos Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca




This article addresses the universe of cururu as traditional Paulista song, not by analysing its formal aspects, but noticing the historical contexts surrounding it and the specificities of the remarkable rationality relationships that shaped cururu into a particular type of folk song. Through oral accounts and fieldwork notes, the aim is to: a) understand the dynamics organised by cururueiros (ten-strings Brazilian guitar players who could be considered something between folk singers and troubadours) in dialogue with other languages and means of artistic diffusion - such as radio and cinema; b) observe the important role of these agents in these processes and the diffusion of cururu. Heed is taken to the meaning of cururu production as part of the caipira worldview and its reach in the contemporary music context.


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Dossier Brasilian Songs: Popular songs, tradicional songs

How to Cite

Santos, E. de J. (2014). "Old Agonies, New Technologies" Creative and Productive Song-related Processes in Cururu Paulista . Revista Do Instituto De Estudos Brasileiros, 59, 229-260. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-901X.v0i59p229-260