Preservation, access and participation in cultural heritage

the theoretical and empirical legacy of Waldisa Rússio Camargo Guarnieri


  • Viviane Panelli Sarraf Universidade de São Paulo (USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil)



museology, Waldisa Rússio Camargo Guarnieri, participation, cultural heritage, access


This article presents an overview of the brief professional career of Waldisa Rússio Camargo Guarnieri (1935-1990) in the Brazilian cultural scene and its influence on the foundation of museology as a scientific discipline in an international context. The research, which is being carried out in the Archive of the Institute of Brazilian Studies of USP, results in the organization and systematization of information about its theoretical legacy for international museology, involving approximately 25,000 documents from the Waldisa Rússio Camargo Guarnieri Fund, as well as documents from other institutions in which the museologist worked, such as the Foundation School of Sociology and Politics of São Paulo and the Museum of Art of São Paulo.


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Author Biography

  • Viviane Panelli Sarraf, Universidade de São Paulo (USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil)

    Pesquisadora colaboradora do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB/USP), pesquisadora responsável e principal
    do Auxílio à Pesquisa – Jovem Pesquisador Fapesp e coordenadora do Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa Acessibilidade em Museus (Gepam).






How to Cite

Sarraf, V. P. (2018). Preservation, access and participation in cultural heritage: the theoretical and empirical legacy of Waldisa Rússio Camargo Guarnieri. Revista Do Instituto De Estudos Brasileiros, 71, 304-324.