About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Revista do Hospital das Clínicas publishes peer - reviewed materials of interest to clinicians and researchers in medicine. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts featuring original experimental investigations, clinical studies, reviews, case reports, technical notes and letters to the Editors.
Materials submitted to the Journal may not be under simultaneous consi-deration by any other publication and should not have been published previously in similar form. All authors must have contributed to the study and/or manuscript because all are responsible for the contents.
Studies involving experimental animals must conform to the guiding principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and human subjects must have given informed con-sent to the study as approved by the Committee on Ethics and Research at the author’s institution.
Authors will be required to sign a copyright transfer form that will be sent with page proofs. Manuscripts will undergo blinded review by two or more reviewers. Acceptance is based upon significance of the contribution to medical science, originality, validity of the method and results, and interest to readers. The Editor reserves the right to edit accepted manuscripts prior to publication to comply with the journal’s format, remove redundancies, and aid clarity and understanding without altering the meaning; edi-ted manuscripts will be sent to the authors for approval. Inquiries and business correspondence may be directed to the Editorial Office at the address below or by telephone: 55-11-3069-6235.
Publication Frequency
Basic information
The Revista do Hospital das Clínicas is edited bimonthly by the Faculdade de Medicina of the Universidade de São Paulo - FM/USP, aiming to publish peer-reviewed materials of interest to clinicians and researchers in medicine.
To briefly refer to the journal, the short title Rev. Hosp. Clín. is recommended, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.
Indexing sources
Articles published in the journal are indexed or abstracted by:
- Index Medicus (MEDLINE)
- Excerpta Medica (EMBASE)
- Index Medicus Latino-Americano (LILACS)
- Biosciences Information Service
- Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS)
- Chemical Abstract Services Cource Index (CASSI)
- Índice de Revista Latino Americana em Ciência (Periódica) – México