Miopatia exsudativa e despigmentada; Músculos pálidos exsudativos
Pale soft and exsudative muscle, Watery porkAbstract
Eight-seven (87) samples of loin, ham and shoulder-blade were examined. The macroscopic inspection of these pieces was followed by some physico-chemical exams besides some histological exams in the subscapularis, longissimus dorsi muscles and in the muscular portion formed by the adductor and gracilis muscles in affected and normal samples. It was verified that the affected regions in the carcass presented visible damages after the slaught her by finding pale and exsudative areas in 34,4% of loins, 27,5% of hams and 10,3% of shoulder-blades. The affection was more intense in the loins (20%) and hams (12,5%). Bigger damages were not observed in the shoulder-blades. Forty-five (45) minutes after the slaughter the watery pork was less than in the normal meat. Moisture content was unaltered in spite of water holding capacity decreasing. The muscular fibers showed no striations, sometimes they were broken and in the serious damages the fibers presented and acute fragmentation. In the adjoining areas next to the injuried ones, the macroscopic appearance was still normal in spite of the phisico-chemical characteristics and histological structures being modified with a tendency to show the typical changes of the affection. Through these data we may conclude that the carcasses of commum swine, normally sent to slaughter in Brazil may present injuries because of the pale, soft and exsudative condition.