Blood supply of the sinus node in goats
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The arterial blood supply of the sinus node has been studied in 50 goats (30 males and 20 females). The AA. observed that the cardiac conducting tissue was nourished exclusively by the ramus proximalis atrii dextri in 44.0% _+ 7.0 of the goats. This branch appeared as the main contribution in 8.0% _+ 3.8 of the specimens examined. In 44.0% _+ 7.0 of the animals the chief vessel was the ramus proximolis atrii sinistri whereas the remaining 4.0$ 1 2.7 showed the sinus node supplied with blood only by this branch. The distal end of the sulcus terminalis receives from the circumflexus branch of the right coronary artery the ramus proximalis atrii dextri, the ramus intermedius atrii dextri or the ramus distalis atrii dextri ill 46.0% _+ 7.0, 44.0% _+ 7.0 and 6.0% _+ 3.3 of the cases respectively. Sex did not influence the blood supply pattern to the sinus node.