Forensic Medicine Evidence in Criminal Actions


  • José Lopes Zarzuela


FDUSP, Perícia (Processo Penal).


A list of concepts of examinations in the criminal court is presented, explaining that this aspect possesses the peculiarity of constituting an activity of the Judge state. It is reported in a manner uncommon to the historic evolution of the criminal evidence of various countries, according to professor Rogério Lauria Tucci, pointing out that the criminal legislator of the 40's separated the examination of the body of the offense from the remaining types of evidence, trusting Hélio Bastos Tornaghi to consider removing the examination of the body of the offense from the chapter covering the other examinations foreseen in the criminal proceedings, placing it between the Proof and the Verdict.


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How to Cite

Forensic Medicine Evidence in Criminal Actions. (1995). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 90, 303-315.