No. 40 (2023): Dossiê "Arqueologia e os Estudos do Lixo"

					View No. 40 (2023): Dossiê "Arqueologia e os Estudos do Lixo"

The n. 40 of the Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia presents the thematic volume Arqueologia e os Estudos do Lixo, bringing to the scene what we might call Lixology, giving the English neologism Garbology/Garbology to the Portuguese. Trash when defined as remains, discarded, abandoned things, usually with contents that are closely linked to everyday life, is a precious vestige for Archeology. Finding a pocket of garbage in a preserved stratigraphic context is one of the best finds that archaeological research can offer to anyone excavating a site. With the expansion of an archeology more concerned with the genealogy of socio-environmental problems that plague life across the planet, the archaeological interest in garbage has resurfaced and with it new looks at the classics of William Rathje and the use of archeology in public policy, as well as as it has been increasingly common to refer to authors whose different theoretical-methodological perspectives unite in what has been called archeology of the contemporary past, the recent past or the present. The guest editors are Rafael Abreu Souza, PhD in Archeology (MAE-USP) and Environment and Society (Unicamp) and Camilla Agostini, professor at UERJ. The volume is completed by eight free articles, dealing with the preservation of archaeological and botanical residues, on the recent history of Brazilian research in Egypt, the concept of indigenization in French museums, on lithic technology in an Argentinean archaeological context, on “ecologies” in Amazonian archeology , a methodological proposal for the study of black-figure ceramics from Thasos, the bioarchaeology of the cerritos of Rio Grande do Sul and ends with a reflection on the contribution of Archeology curricula to the discussion of contemporary concerns and issues.

Published: 2023-05-12