To ‘Raise and Quell’: the Emotional Pulse


  • Judy Tarling Royal Academy of Music



Musical Rhetoric, Rhythm, Musical performance


This article describes the importance of rhythm in controlling the emotional state of the listener. Rhythmic impulses originate in the human body, through movement and speech. The ancient writers and orators noted how different rhythms in speech could affect the feelings of an audience. When rhetoric began to influence musical composition in the 16th century, composers were quick to realize the potential for expressing emotion by using various rhythmic devices borrowed from speech patterns. The manner of performance also influences the way these devices are received by the listener. 


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ARISTOTLE. The Art of Rhetoric. Transl. by E. H. Freese. Cambridge: Heinemann (Loeb Classical Library), 1934.

CICERO. De Oratore. Transl. by E. W. Sutton. Cambridge: Heinemann (Loeb Classical Library), 1942.

HALICARNASSUS, Dionysius of. On Literary Composition. Transl. by W. Rhys Roberts. Cambridge: Heinemann (Loeb Classical Library), 1974.

HOULE, George. Meter in Music, 1600-1800. Michigan: Indiana University Press, 1987.

MATTHESON, Johann. Der vollkommene Capellmeister (Hamburg, 1739). Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1991.

MONTEVERDI, Claudio. Preface to Madrigali Guerrieri. Book VIII (1638). Milano: Ricordi, 1967.

NORTH, Roger. On Music. London: Novello, 1959.

QUANTZ, Johann Joachim. On Playing the Flute. Transl. by Edward Reilly. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2001.

QUINTILIAN, Marcus Fabius. Institutio Oratoria. Transl. by H. E. Butler. Cambridge: Heinemann (Loeb Classical Library), 1998.

QUINTILIANUS, Aristides. On Music, in three books. Transl. by T. Mathiesen. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.

ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. Dictionnaire de Musique. Paris: Duchesne, 1768.

TARLING, Judy. The Weapons of Rhetoric. London: Corda Music Publications, 2008.

WEST, M.L. Ancient Greek Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.







How to Cite

To ‘Raise and Quell’: the Emotional Pulse. (2015). Revista Música, 15(1), 79-90.