Como e por quê? Alguns comentários sobre as técnicas de produção empregadas na realização da trilogia cinemascope


  • Peter Tscherkassky Universidade de Viena


Palabras clave:

CinemaScope trilogy, Found footage, Analogic film


Found-footage films have a long tradition in the avant-garde, beginning with the works of Joseph Cornell and Len Lye in the 1930s The filmed material used in the CinemaScope trilogy comes to life and becomes an autonomous creation through the transformation set in place during the production in the darkroom. Indeed, L'Arrivée, Outer Space and Dream Work were all made by means of an archaic process of copying.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Peter Tscherkassky, Universidade de Viena

    Nasceu em 1958 em Viena. Estudou filosofia. Organizou vários festivais e mostras circulantes de filmes de vanguarda.

