


Phytoremediation, Green infrastructure, Urban Water, Urban Watersheds, City of São Paulo


This article investigates the use of phytoremediation in function of Green Infrastructure (GI) typologies in urban micro watersheds of São Paulo. For such investigation it was used the recognition of Green Infrastructure typologies for its application in a densely urbanized micro watershed of the city, performed in the recent work of Bonzi (2015). That study is part of a master degree research in progress that in its preliminary results introduces the bio-ditch typology as being well suited to the phytoremediation technology. Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that uses the natural mechanisms of plants and their interactions with the microbiota associated with the degradation, containment, immobilization and extraction of organic and inorganic pollutants. It can be applied to the treatment of urban water pollution according to the Green Infrastructure landscape typologies. The Green Infrastructure is a network of interconnected landscaped areas which can be understood as a tool for the recognition and use of ecosystem services in the urban environment. Specialized literature has been considering GI the as a tool able to meet demands of cities’ environmental issues, especially with regard to the quantitative and qualitative management of water.


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Author Biography

  • Maitê Bueno Pinheiro, Universidade de São Paulo - USP
    Bióloga, especialista em Química Ambiental, atualmente realizando curso de mestrado na Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo (FAU USP), onde desenvolve pesquisa na área de Paisagem e Ambiente.


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