Urban mobility, conscious transportation aiming sustainability


  • Léa Yamaguchi Dobbert
  • Sabrina Mieko Viana
  • Miriam Stella Rother
  • Gustavo Nazato Furlan
  • Márcia Piva
  • Renata Fernandes Viecili




Traffic, Urban Landscape, Means of Transport, Environment


The issues of most concern to experts and governments are, currently, traffic and increasing utilization of vehicles by urban population. The impact on society, human health and environment, occur at local, regional and global areas. Urban landscape, by holding great economic and technological potential, is still compelled to surrender to the pressure from the real estate market to the detriment of the search for the people welfare that live therein. This is the scenario the issue of the urban mobility and its impact on the environment is inserted. Aiming to enable the students, through collective dialogue, to form themselves a reflection on the issue of urban mobility, enabling them to be positioned and sensitize on the importance of daily use of bicycles as means of transport, sport and leisure. Aiming to make the local community to think about, it was adopted an educational intervention to make sensitive to a group, as a starting point for the appropriation of existing public policies aligned to local realities, reflecting the changes needed in the field of environmental education. Therefore, it was performed a short action in which fifty people of the city of Piracicaba (SP) were interviewed. From the content analysis of the interviews, it was evaluated the perception stage of the local population regarding to problems of urban mobility. With all the above, it is possible to conclude that to make feasible the adoption of alternative solutions to solve the current problem of urban mobility, it is essential a collective reflection on the needs that the reality presents.


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Author Biographies

  • Léa Yamaguchi Dobbert

    Arquiteta, doutoranda em Recursos Florestais pela Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba – SP.

  • Sabrina Mieko Viana

    Bióloga, doutoranda em Recursos Florestais pela Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba – SP.

  • Miriam Stella Rother

    Publicitária, doutoranda em Ecologia Aplicada pela Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba – SP.

  • Gustavo Nazato Furlan

    Educador Físico, mestrando em Ecologia Aplicada pela Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba – SP.

  • Márcia Piva

    Administradora de empresa, mestrando em Recursos Florestais pela Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba – SP.

  • Renata Fernandes Viecili

    Engenheira Florestal, mestre pelo departamento de Recursos Florestais pela Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba – SP.



How to Cite

Dobbert, L. Y., Viana, S. M., Rother, M. S., Furlan, G. N., Piva, M., & Viecili, R. F. (2012). Urban mobility, conscious transportation aiming sustainability. Revista LABVERDE, 5, 156-170. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2179-2275.v0i5p156-170