Contribution to sound quality landscape at linear park Brás - Lapa


  • Claudia Lambertini
  • Eliseu Genari



Free Areas, Connectivity, Sound Landscape, Linear Park


The proposal for lowering the rail transportation system led to glimpse the implementation of free areas in a region degraded, noisy and split by the rails of CPTM trains, forming the Linear Park Brás - Lapa. This study analyzed the need and importance of open spaces specifically in the section between the streets Silva Pinto and Anhanguera, located in the districts Santa Cecilia and Bom Retiro (São Paulo, Brazil), which is inside the area where the Linear Park Brás - Lapa would be proposed, establishing the continuity of the urban area aiming to diminish the mobility difficulty and to contribute to a better sound quality landscape.


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Author Biographies

  • Claudia Lambertini
    Arquiteta e Urbanista pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Eliseu Genari

    Arquiteto e Urbanista, mestrando em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de São Paulo



How to Cite

Lambertini, C., & Genari, E. (2012). Contribution to sound quality landscape at linear park Brás - Lapa. Revista LABVERDE, 5, 38-50.