Green infrastructure project in the river basin of Judas creek, São Paulo – SP, Brazil


  • Marcos Silverio



architecture, environmental planning, public space appropriation, environmental education, urban infrastructure, green areas, rivers, biking


The appropriation of public spaces such as plazas, parks and streets primarily demonstrate the level of urban consciousness of an society. These sites offer living and leisure opportunities and encourage understanding of the environment by the population (SILVERIO, 2010). Considering the importance of these public spaces to the city this paper proposes an urban infrastructure project in the watershed of the stream Judas, in the region of Santo Amaro. Far from the Vector Sudoeste the region of Santo Amaro, in the south of São Paulo, has received great public and private investments in the last decade and coexists with lack of facilities and public areas.


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Author Biography

  • Marcos Silverio
    Arquiteto e Urbanista, mestrando em Projeto de Arquitetura na FAUUSP



How to Cite

Silverio, M. (2012). Green infrastructure project in the river basin of Judas creek, São Paulo – SP, Brazil. Revista LABVERDE, 4, 175-205.