Legal Reserve on the banks of watercourse in Brazilian cities: preservation and protection of an ecosystem


  • Saulo Ferraz Alves Medeiros



Environmental Law and Urban Planning, Conservation of Natural Resources, Sustainability, Linear Park, Hydrographic Basin


What is the relationship between legal reserve on the banks of waterway in Brazilian cities and the human environment? We restrict ourselves to treat the ecosystem at the edge of waterways in urban areas within the national territory, analyzing the legal and ecological aspects related to the research problem. By hypothesis, green corridors in cities are hotbeds of quality of human life, in many ways, direct and indirect consequence of the preservation and protection of biota. We qualifying urban environment from the ambient perspective, with conservation of natural resources in urban areas, breaking the paradigm of the canalization of rivers, streams and use of banks exclusively focused on the road system. The working method was based on a review of theoretical references. The results corroborate the hypothesis that generated the legal reserve on the banks of waterway in Brazilian cities positively influence the development of sustainable urban ecosystem.


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Author Biography

  • Saulo Ferraz Alves Medeiros

    Bacharel em Arquitetura e Urbanismo – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – 2002; Servidor Efetivo da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo – 2006; Especialista em Gestão Ambiental – Universidade Nove de Julho – 2010; Especialista em Habitação e Cidade – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Escola da Cidade – 2011



How to Cite

Medeiros, S. F. A. (2012). Legal Reserve on the banks of watercourse in Brazilian cities: preservation and protection of an ecosystem. Revista LABVERDE, 4, 64-85.