The nature and the culture as strategy of environmental design for Estrela do Sul city


  • Maria de Lourdes Pereira
  • Giovanna Teixeira Damis Vital



Master plan, Estrela do Sul, green infrastructure, environmental preservation, environmental planning


This paper has as objective to present the beginnings used for elaboration of Master Plan of Estrela do Sul city, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. That city, small load, is located in Triângulo Mineiro area and it was developed starting from several nuclei of exploration of diamonds along the river Bagagem, reaching a great prominence in the area during the last decades of 19th Century. However, due to the exploring activity decadence, the city lost economic attractiveness and its population reduced drastically. The claim golden period left as inheritance a recognized group of historical constructions, but also a broken into fragments environment, space and socially, and with low urban quality.
The structure space proposal for municipal district is organized by the natural environment - hydrographic, vegetable covering and soil -, and by the built - urban landscape and historical-cultural heritage -, tends for beginnings the conservation, the preservation and the recovery of its cultural heritage and the sustainability, as form to promote the environmental qualification and the reduction of partner-space inequalities.
The work also highlights the paper of free spaces, conceived as a green and decisive infrastructure in the strategy to reverses the environmental degradation and to recover the landscape so that the city can shelter a historical and rural tourism, capable to create a new economic base and to guarantee new life perspectives for its inhabitants.


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Author Biographies

  • Maria de Lourdes Pereira

    Doutora em Urbanismo pela Universidade Politécnica de Cataluña, professora adjunta da Universidad Federal do ABC – UFABC

  • Giovanna Teixeira Damis Vital

    Mestre em Estruturas Ambientais Urbanas pela Universidade de São Paulo, professora assistente da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – UFU



How to Cite

Pereira, M. de L., & Vital, G. T. D. (2010). The nature and the culture as strategy of environmental design for Estrela do Sul city. Revista LABVERDE, 1, 27-43.