Quantification of the benefits derived from the Nature Based Solutions in the very arid and densified urban context of metropolitan Lima





Sustainability tools, Nature-based solutions , Ecosystem services, Resilience, Mitigation


Increasing the proportion of local vegetated surfaces within the highly densified context of Lima, Peru is considered a key local strategy of sustainable development. However, it may experience limitations as it could exacerbate water stress in the city. Therefore, quantifying the scale of benefits derived from local vegetated surfaces, mainly in terms of sensitivity to water use and urban temperature regulation, is necessary to optimize the management of water use for its preservation. The application of the international tool, Green Area Ratio at the local level, could contribute so that the increase in the proportion of vegetated surfaces in Lima considers a multifunctional sense to improve urban quality in different social, urban and environmental aspects.
The results show that in order to be applied in the arid context of Lima, the tool would require adaptation, mainly of the scoring system, especially high values commonly assigned by foreign versions to some vegetated-based systems. This would make the version of the Green Area Ratio suggested for Lima in this study a novel and unique system, which demands further deeper research. However, it can be used as a preliminary framework based on scientific evidence, in case its official application is considered to support local sustainability guidelines and/or quality improvement plans for green areas. Its application could strengthen the implementation of multifunctional vegetable surfaces and nature-based solutions adapted to the aridity of the context.


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Author Biography

  • Carol Torres Limache, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. School of Architecture and Urbanism

    I graduated from the school of Architecture and Urbanism of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and later from the Erasmus Mundus Joint master in Urban Climate and Sustainability, developed by the Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), LAB University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and University of Huelva (Spain).

    I have worked principally in Peru and Germany  in LEED and sustainability consultancy, sustainable design and research about water sensitive-design and nature-based solutions.


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Limache, C. T. . (2022). Quantification of the benefits derived from the Nature Based Solutions in the very arid and densified urban context of metropolitan Lima. Revista LABVERDE, 12(1), 207-243. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2179-2275.labverde.2022.189501