The importance of public spaces and green areas in the post-pandemic in the city of São Paulo-SP




Urban life, Public spaces, Green areas, Post-pandemic, COVID-19 pandemic, São Paulo city


Cities are undergoing profound transformations in the fields of health, culture, social relations, and especially in urban life, causing numerous reflections and questions to the city model that can be enjoyed after the pandemic of COVID-19, highlighting the importance and the role of public spaces and green areas in exceptional periods as in the case of the pandemic and for the future of urban life. In view of the situation, this article aims to recommend guidelines for coexistence and proper use of green areas and public spaces, compatible with public health requirements for the pandemic period, until an efficient vaccine is obtained, and, at the same time, collaborate with guidelines for the quality of urban life with greater appreciation of green areas after the pandemic is over. This study was based on the Momentary Emotions Research: Post-Pandemic Behaviors and Daily Habits (XIMENES et al., 2020), on the reviews of technical and scientific literature, on the analysis of the available information and on the mapping of the green areas in the city of São Paulo. The resignification of post-pandemic cities should address the implementation of new public policies, and means of appropriation and coexistence of public spaces, parks and green areas in the city of São Paulo. This will make them more humanized, safe and inclusive; development strategies integraded to sustainable urban development in the return of leisure, culture, gastronomy and entertainment activities.


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Author Biographies

  • Deize Sbarai Sanches Ximenes, Instituto Estudos Avançados - USP

    Instituto Estudos Avançados - USP

  • Gérsica Moraes Nogueira da Silva, Instituto Estudos Avançados – USP

    Graduated in Biological Sciences at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (2011)
    Master in Ecology at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (2014)
    PhD in Civil Engineering at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, with an exchenge period at Technische Universität Berlin (2015-2016).
    Current researcher at the USP Global Cities Program, as a postdoctoral student at the Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Universidade de São Paulo.

  • Ivan Carlos Maglio, portugues

    Collaborating researcher at Instituto de Estudos Avançados, USP - Global Cities Program in urban planning and climate adaptation.
    Graduated in Civil Engineering at Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, USP (1974)
    Master and Ph.D in Public Health at Faculdade de Saúde Pública, USP (2000, 2005).

  • Júlio Barboza Chiquetto, Instituto Estudos Avançados – USP

    ostdoctoral student at IEA-USP.
    PhD in Physical Geography at Universidade de São Paulo (2016)
    Master in Geography at Universidade de São Paulo (2008)
    Graduated in Geography at Universidade de São Paulo (2005)

  • Luís Fernando Amato-Lourenço, portugues

    Graduated in Environmental Engineering (2012) and PhD in Sciences at Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo (2018).
    Postdoctoral student at Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Universidade de São Paulo - Global Cities Program (since 2019).

  • Maria da Penha Vasconcellos, portugues

    Associate Professor 3 at Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo
    Graduated in Psychology, Master in Social Psychology, both at PUC-SP
    PhD and Habilitation at Universidade de São Paulo
    Supervisor of Postgraduate Programs in Public Health, Doctorate in Global Health and Sustainability and Environment, Health and Sustainability, at Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo

  • Pedro Roberto Jacobi, portugues

    Principal professor of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Science at Universidade de São Paulo. Coordinator of the Environment and Society Studies group at Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Universidade de São Paulo. Collaborating Researcher in the Global Cities Program at Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Universidade de São Paulo.

  • Sonia Maria Viggiani Coutinho, portugues

    Professor in the Postgraduate Programs in Environment, Health and Sustainability; Global Health and Sustainability and Public Health, at Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo.

  • Vivian Aparecida Blaso Souza Soares César, portugues

    Post-doctoral student in the Global Cities Program at Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Univerdidade de São Paulo. Master and PhD in Social Sciences at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2011 and 2016, respectively). Graduation in Social Communication - Qualification in Public Relations - at Centro Universitário Newton Paiva (2001).


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Parks and Conservation Units map



How to Cite

Ximenes, D. S. S., da Silva, G. M. N., Maglio, I. C., Chiquetto, J. B., Amato-Lourenço, L. F. ., Vasconcellos, M. da P., Jacobi, P. R., Coutinho, S. M. V., & César, V. A. B. S. S. (2020). The importance of public spaces and green areas in the post-pandemic in the city of São Paulo-SP. Revista LABVERDE, 10(1).