Moral and political dilemmas at the time of the coronavirus pandemic

the role of philosophical thinking


  • Stelios Virvidakis University of Athens. National and Kapodistrian



Moral and political dilemmas, Liberalism, Utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, Epistemic and moral virtues


In this paper I propose a philosophical analysis of serious moral and politicaldilemmas we have been confronted with during the period of the pandemic of Covid-19, before and after the availabiity of vaccines. I draw on a variety of normative theories, mostly from moral philosophy, and try to provide a comparative assessment of the application of consequentialist and deontological principles, as well as of concepts of virtue ethics, with a view to highlighting their complementarity.


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How to Cite

Virvidakis, S. (2023). Moral and political dilemmas at the time of the coronavirus pandemic: the role of philosophical thinking. Intelligere, 15, 284-303.