Some theoretical and methodological contributions by Amado Luiz Cervo at the study of international relations in Brazil and Latin America




Methodology, Paradigms, Concepts, International relations


The article presents the work of Professor Amado Luiz Cervo, citing his works on research methodology, history of Brazilian and Latin American international relations and his theoretical-methodological contributions to the study of international relations and foreign policy. Preferential and specific attention is given to the professor's contributions to the development of original theoretical and analytical thinking, which is specific to Latin America, through the elaboration of concepts and categories. Professor Cervo's work on the formulation of a regional and Brazilian thought to study international insertion, together with other Latin American professors, has contrasted the dominant vision of Anglo-Saxon thought with the elaboration of the region to understand the specificity of our region's international relations based on the conditions derived from the historical-structural characteristics of Latin America's international insertion. After presenting its work methodology, the text analyzes some of the most important conceptual contributions, including the formulation of paradigms and concepts, highlighting their application and influence on other communities of thought in South America.


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Author Biography

  • Raúl Bernal-Meza, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

    Raúl Bernal-Meza, Ph.D., is Full Professor of International Relations at the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Researcher at the Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad Arturo Prat ( Chile, with Profesor's hierarchy


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How to Cite

Bernal-Meza, R. (2020). Some theoretical and methodological contributions by Amado Luiz Cervo at the study of international relations in Brazil and Latin America. Intelligere, 10, 15-25.