Morphology and sensory ecology in troglobite arachnids: perspectives for the Brazilian speleology
Arachnida, Speleobiology, Sensory structures, Mechanoreception, Chemoreception.Abstract
In this paper, we discuss some relationships between sensory ecology and the study of cave arachnids. As the ecology and behavior of a given species depends directly on which stimuli it responds to and that depends on the sensory structures it has, it is very important to understand morphological aspects of the animals. We therefore emphasize some of the troglomorphisms known in the group and address interesting questions to be further investigated. Studies on behavior may be more difficult to conduct because of the low number of troglobites typically found in caves, whereas studies on morphology are usually easier to carry out. We should also consider that natural and sexual selection may generate distinct predictions on what differences are to be found when comparing phylogenetically close epigean and troglobites. The various faunistic surveys carried out in Brazililian caves, combined with the literature listed in the present paper, are helpful for those interested in starting projects in this area.Downloads
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How to Cite
Willemart, R. H., & Taques, B. G. (2018). Morphology and sensory ecology in troglobite arachnids: perspectives for the Brazilian speleology. Revista Da Biologia, 10(2), 46-51.