Population ecology and conservation of aeglids (Crustacea: Decapoda: Aeglidae) in caves from the Alto Ribeira karstic area, São Paulo
Aegla, Troglobites, Population ecology, Mark-recapture, Conservation.Abstract
Exploratory field surveys were carried out in 2009 to estimate the population size of three troglobitic (Aegla microphthalma from Santana Cave, A. cavernicola from Areias de Baixo Cave and A. leptochela from Paiva Cave) and one troglophile aeglid species (A. marginata from Paiva Cave and Barra Bonita Cave) from the karst region of the Alto Ribeira by means of visual census (all caves) and markrecapture technique (Paiva Cave only). Results were compared with previous population size data obtained in 1994 for the same species and respective localities. A. marginata was no longer found at the Barra Bonita Cave and no A. microphthalma specimens were eye-spotted at the Santana Cave. Thirteen specimens of A. cavernicola were found at the Areias de Baixo Cave. Only Paiva Cave provided enough number of individuals of the co-existing aeglids A. leptochela and A. marginata produced significant population size estimates, which indicated a sharp decline of the cave dwelling population size of both species as compared to previous dataDownloads
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How to Cite
Maia, K. P., Bueno, S. L., & Trajano, E. (2018). Population ecology and conservation of aeglids (Crustacea: Decapoda: Aeglidae) in caves from the Alto Ribeira karstic area, São Paulo. Revista Da Biologia, 10(2), 40-45. https://doi.org/10.7594/revbio.10.02.07