Water pollution available through brazilian websites: content witch quality?


  • Daianne Freire Dias Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
  • Bruno Gonzaga Agapito da Veiga Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
  • André Luis da Silva Castro Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
  • Aline Sueli de Lima Rodrigues Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
  • Guilherme Malafaia Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí




Environmental information, internet, water pollution.


This study aimed to evaluate how the theme “water pollution” has been available on Brazilian websites. In addition, websites were evaluated based on technical criteria: update, authorship, ease of understanding of the content published the presence of images or figures, scientific basis, language and interaction with the user. A total of 73 websites was selected for analysis. The results show that the website does not address important content on the theme. Thus, this work points to the need to establish mechanisms to disseminate correct information about the water pollution in the internet, so the network can be used as a useful tool for the prevention and conservation of this vital resource to the survival of life on the planet.


Author Biographies

  • Daianne Freire Dias, Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
    Aluna do curso de Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental do Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí.
  • Bruno Gonzaga Agapito da Veiga, Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
    Professor do Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
  • André Luis da Silva Castro, Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
    Professor do Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
  • Aline Sueli de Lima Rodrigues, Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
    Professor do Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
  • Guilherme Malafaia, Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
    Professor do Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí






How to Cite

Dias, D. F., Veiga, B. G. A. da, Castro, A. L. da S., Rodrigues, A. S. de L., & Malafaia, G. (2018). Water pollution available through brazilian websites: content witch quality?. Revista Da Biologia, 8(2), 4-10. https://doi.org/10.7594/revbio.8b.02