Directing pathogen-derived proteins to cells responsible for the immune response activation
Dendritic cells, vaccination, quimeric antibodies.Abstract
The obtention of vaccines against pathogens that affect human health has been a constant goal in the last years. In this assay we will present a strategy for the development of vaccines that is based in the targeting of a recombinant protein derived from a pathogen to cells responsible for the immune system activation known as dendritic cells. The targeting is accomplished by using a chimeric antibody produced in vitro in fusion with a protein of interest that is able to bind to a receptor present at the surface of dendritic cells. When injected into animals the chimeric antibody delivers the antigens to the dendritic cells and the result is the induction of a strong immune response.Downloads
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How to Cite
Buscardin, S. B. (2018). Directing pathogen-derived proteins to cells responsible for the immune response activation. Revista Da Biologia, 6(2), 12-16.