Tree canopy characteristics in the district of Pinheiros in São Paulo in the beginning of the XXI Century


  • Julia Camara de Assis Instituto de Biociências, USP – São Paulo, SP, Brasil



tree canopy, conectivity, urban environment.


Tree canopy is an important component in the urban environment because it improves people’s quality of life by enhancing environmental situation. In the district of Pinheiros in Sao Paulo, the mapping based on satellite images in a detailed scale points out that vegetation is heterogeneously distributed, thus being more concentrated in patches in the north and south portions of the district, corresponding to 15% of its total area. The central portion of the district has much less vegetation and should be considered a main focus for environmental improvement planning. The vegetation arrangement, where it exists, is clumped, however not continuous and could also be improved with vegetation intensification.



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How to Cite

Assis, J. C. de. (2009). Tree canopy characteristics in the district of Pinheiros in São Paulo in the beginning of the XXI Century. Revista Da Biologia, 2(1), 18-21.