Walk in faith: christian zionism and the political-identity frontiers between religious tourism and the pilgrimage to Israel


  • Deborah Hornblas Travassos Universidade de São Paulo




Religious Tourism, Pilgrimage, Christian Zionism


The trips promove to Israel are increasingly sought after by Brazilian evangelical groups tato declare themselves Christian Zinistes, and have the objective of finding a millenary land, a place where the messianic prophecy will take place with the return of Jesus, according to the dispensationalist doctrine. These religious groups have found support in the rise of the new Brazilian right, which, in turn, has been seeking a political alignment with the State of Israel; this support has as its goal the increasingly abundant evangelical vote in Brazil. A fundamental aspect raised are the differences between pilgrimage and religious tourism, the borders between these two types of displacement are porous and poorly defined, and precisely because of these blurred lines it becomes advantageous to declare oneself a pilgrim, which in the case studied by this article, has the ability to legitimize the objectives proposed by these trips.


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Author Biography

  • Deborah Hornblas Travassos, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutora em Letras, pesquisadora do Centro de Estudos Judaicos (CEJ-USP).


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How to Cite

Travassos, D. H. (2021). Walk in faith: christian zionism and the political-identity frontiers between religious tourism and the pilgrimage to Israel. Revista De Estudos Orientais, 9, 161-184. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2763-650X.i9p161-184