Max Aub: alemão, francês, espanhol, mexicano? Judeu.


  • Saul Kirschbaum Universidade de São Paulo



Max Aub, Jewish identity, Self-hatred


Max Aub was a Spanish dramatist, fictionist and essayist, who fought in the Spanish Civil War, was held prisoner in several concentration camps for his participation in the Republican side, and finally moved to Mexico, where he lived and published for the rest of his lite. But he was of Jewish origin. Being a Jew, he experienced painful conflicts with his own jewishness, his repudiated Jewish identity, mainly when he stayed in Israel during the Six Days War, in 1967. After the war, he published Imposible Sinai (Impossible Sinai). This article analyzes Aub's dilemmas of being and not willing to be a Jew, feelings
close to what is called self-hate, and often expressed in his Diaries.


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LESSER, Jeffrey. O Brasil e a Questão Judaica. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1995, 371 p.

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PÉREZ BOWIE, José Antonio."Estudio Introductorio". In: Max Aub. Manuscrito Cuervo. Segorbe: Fundación Max Aub. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad, 1999, pp. 11-41.

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Kirschbaum, S. (2010). Max Aub: alemão, francês, espanhol, mexicano? Judeu. Revista De Estudos Orientais, 8, 55-73.