Skills for Public Managers’ Career: Development and Validity Evidences of a Scale.


  • Aleksandra Pereira dos Santos



Skills at Work, Validation Evidences, Specialist in Public Policies and Governmental Management Career .


This study aims to develop a range of skills for the Specialist in Public Policies and Governmental Management career [EPPGG], which is the public managers’ career, and provide evidence of its validity. In order to do so, bibliographic, documental and field researches with semi -structured interviews, focus groups and questionnaire were conducted. The questionnaire was answered by 274 government employees, and the data were analyzed by using descriptive and factorial analysis, as well as non-parametric tests. The results indicate 38 competencies, grouped into five factors or macro competencies. These factors were named as: Public Policies and Management Improvement, Interpersonal Relations and Professional Behavior, Managerial Skills, Support to Formulation of Public Policy and Work Instruments and Support. Furthermore, differences were observed between the groups regarding the expression of these competences. These differences are significant when considering the type of commissioned position held by the Specialist and his or her workplace; on the other hand, these differences are not relevant when considering the position of the Specialist in the career and his or her educational level are considered.


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Author Biography

  • Aleksandra Pereira dos Santos
    Doutora em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das Organizações da Unive rsidade de Brasília – Brasília, Br asil Mestre em Ciências da Informação pela Universidade de B rasília G raduada em Comunicação Social pea Universidade Federal d o Piauíl





Administração Pública

How to Cite

Skills for Public Managers’ Career: Development and Validity Evidences of a Scale. (2014). REGE Revista De Gestão, 21(1), 27-41.