Emerging field or passing fashion? A case study of Agile-Stage-Gate model in innovation processes


  • Adriano Rehder Department of Industrial Engineering, University of São Paulo
  • João Valsecchi Souza Department of Industrial Engineering, University of São Paulo
  • Roberto Marx Department of Industrial Engineering, University of São Paulo
  • Mario Sergio Salerno Department of Industrial Engineering, University of São Paulo




Agile-Stage-Gate, Innovation process, Case study, Operational process improvements, Process improvement methods, Business processes improvements


Purpose – Agile methods are increasingly being applied in the contexts of innovation beyond traditional
information technology (IT) and physical product development projects, such as when process improvements
are being implemented. Nevertheless, this phenomenon is still recent and little addressed in the literature, with
few descriptions of empirical cases. This study aims to address this gap.

Design/methodology/approach – This multiple case study aims to present and discuss the application of
Agile practices embedded in large companies’ innovation value chains, focusing on improvements of business
processes. The following research question is pursued: How are large companies applying elements of Agile
methods to their innovation processes when implementing incremental improvements in their operational
processes? Based on the idea that the Agile-Stage-Gate model is an alternative to this challenge, this study
investigates the application of this hybrid model in two large Brazilian companies by presenting their
idiosyncrasies, lessons learned, adaptations, challenges and benefits.

Findings – Overall, it was observed that the experience with the application of the Agile-Stage-Gate model is
positive for these companies, with better customer engagement, easier project control and increased
productivity of the project team.

Originality/value – For those aiming to implement the Agile-Stage-Gate model, this paper identifies the main
adaptations made in order to combine the purist approaches and critical success factors for its implementation.



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How to Cite

Emerging field or passing fashion? A case study of Agile-Stage-Gate model in innovation processes. (2024). REGE Revista De Gestão, 30(4), 362-386. https://doi.org/10.1108/REGE-08-2021-0149