Methodology applied to managerial decision-making in the context of COVID-19
Scenario Planning, Multi-criteria Decision-Making, COVID-19Abstract
Purpose – This paper aims to propose a methodology for managerial decision-making based on scenario planning and a multi-criteria approach.
Design/methodology/approach – The methodology consists of two stages, one referring to scenario planning, and the other to multi-criteria decision-making. The methodology was applied to a company in the Brazilian agribusiness sector, aiming to help managers face the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Findings – The proposal addresses a set of simple methods for developing a scenario analysis based on different approaches. Although the methodology may allow the future addition of new, perhaps more robust strategies, the purpose of the analysis is not only to tell the decision maker which strategy should be adopted, but also to provide greater knowledge about the problem and possible scenarios.
Originality/value - The contribution of this research is to propose a structured and easily applicable methodology that can help managers in the future planning of their companies, especially when faced with complex decisions and high level of uncertainty.
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