The triple helix and the quality of the startup ecosystem: a global view


  • Ximena Alejandra Flechas Universidade de São Paulo
  • Carlos Takahashi Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - ESPM
  • Júlio César Bastos de Figueiredo Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - ESPM



Startup ecosystem, Triple Helix, Innovation, Entrepreneurship


Purpose – The ongoing business dynamics show two aspects for generating innovation: first, high-impact
innovations are developed jointly by several actors, such as universities, enterprises, and governments. Second,
startups are better suited to develop innovation during crises or periods of low growth as experienced at the
moment. Based on these aspects and drawing on the constructs of the triple helix, this study analyzes the
influence between the characteristics of the actors on the quality of the startup ecosystem from a global view.
Design/methodology/approach – The study examines the cross-section data of 35 countries between 2017
and 2018 and applies the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) for assessing the
relationships between the triple helix on the quality of the startup ecosystem on a country-level.
Findings – The findings suggest that each actor of the triple helix individually does not positively affect the
quality of the startup ecosystem. Yet, when analyzing the actors jointly by creating a second-order latent
variable (i.e. triple helix), the study found out that in this way, the triple helix construct has a positive effect on
the quality of the startup ecosystem.
Originality/value – Although a large body of prior literature indicates the importance of generating
interrelationships among the different entities involved in ecosystems, few studies provide empirical evidence
from a global perspective of the need for these entities to act in an overlapping manner. The present study
supports previous research and reinforces the importance of the triple helix for a more innovative environment



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How to Cite

The triple helix and the quality of the startup ecosystem: a global view. (2023). REGE Revista De Gestão, 30(3), 238-252.