Career stages in management studies: a systematic review of scientific production from 2011 to 2020


  • Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo
  • Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo



Careers, Career stages, Systematic review, Scientific production


Purpose - The purpose of this article is to present a systematic review of scientific production on career stages in the last decade (2011-2020). More specifically, it seeks to understand the methodological approaches, how career stages have been operationalized in research in the Management field and main results of these researches.


Design / methodology / approach - We searched articles about career stages on the Web of Science database in the period between 2011 and 2020. The final portfolio for the systematic review included 20 articles based on pre-established criteria for the selection of articles.


Findings - The results present an overview of these articles, as well as the methodological approaches used. It was confirmed that there is no consensus on the operationalization of the career stage. Five topics associated with career stages were discussed: workers’ attitudes and behaviors, training and mentoring, intentions, perception of success and work-life balance and work values.


Originality/value - No other studies that showed a review of scientific production on career stages and divergences in the operationalization of the theme were found. Considering the large number of researches that deal with careers and their stages, it is relevant to discuss the ways in which the career stage can be operationalized and whether their operationalization is being valid.



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How to Cite

Career stages in management studies: a systematic review of scientific production from 2011 to 2020. (2023). REGE Revista De Gestão, 30(1), 62-77.