
Congreso Internacional de Literatura Brasileña


Del 11 al 13 de diciembre de 2024, la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Salamanca acoge la cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Literatura Brasileña – Colibra, organizado por el CEB en colaboración con la Academia Brasileira de Letras.

En este IV Colibra homenajeamos a Ariano Suassuna (1927-2014), el dramaturgo, poeta y novelista que fundó en Recife el Movimiento Armorial con el que buscaba impulsar las expresiones artísticas de la cultura popular nordestina. Autor de obras teatrales como Uma Mulher Vestida de Sol (1942), Os Homens de Barro (1949), O Castigo da Soberba (1953), O Auto da Compadecida (1955), O casamento suspeitoso u O homem da vaca e o poder da fortuna (1958), en su faceta de novelista compuso A História de amor de Fernando e Isaura, (1956), O Romance d’A Pedra do Reino e o Príncipe do Sangue do Vai-e-Volta (1971) o História d’O Rei Degolado nas caatingas do sertão /Ao sol da Onça Caetana (1976). Como poeta es conocido por O Pasto Incendiado (1945-1970), Ode, (1955) y una antología que se publicó en 1999.  

Invitamos a los estudiosos de la obra de Suassuna a enviar sus comunicaciones sobre el escritor y hacemos un llamamiento general a todos los investigadores en Literatura brasileña a que presenten sus trabajos. 

Read more about Congreso Internacional de Literatura Brasileña

Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 20 (2022): Second Semester 2022
					View Vol. 9 No. 20 (2022): Second Semester 2022

The Revista de Estudios Brasileños reaches its 20th issue and does so in an important year, the Bicentennial of Brazilian Independence. This special anniversary could not be ignored by the journal and the content of the Dossier is dedicated to it. The dossier is coordinated by the current director of the Centro de Estudios Brasileños, professor at the University of Salamanca, and specialist in Brazilian History, José Manuel Santos. In the section were published six articles from authors from different universities and different countries, who analyze some aspects of the roots of current Brazil, Independence itself, and the first problems to be addressed by the new State.

This issue is completed with three attractive interviews. The first one is with Stuart B. Schwartz. This Yale’s professor is probably one of the most recognized and influential specialists among historians of colonial Brazil. The second interview is with the professor and researcher at USP, Prof. Amancio Jorge de Oliveira, vice director of the Ipiranga Museum, in the occasion of the reopening of the institution, one of the most significant events of the Bicentennial, which can be valued as a success, as it makes it possible to relive this significant moment of Brazil's Independence. In the last interview, Prof. Pedro Dallari (USP) interviews Rubens Ricupero, responsible, in 2022, for the José Bonifácio Chair, of the Institute of International Relations (IRI, USP), whose research topic was the Bicentennial of Independence from Brazil.

All that makes this news issue of the Revista de Estudios Brasilñeos particularly interesting for those who wants to know more about the past or present of Brazil.

Published: 2023-09-18

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