Da literatura indianista à literatura indígena: sobre a imagem, o lugar e o protagonismo indígena em termos de constituição da identidade cultural brasileira


  • Leno Francisco Danner Universidade Federal de Rondônia
  • Julie Dorrico Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Fernando Danner Universidade Federal de Rondônia




Indianism, Indian, National Identity, Militancy, Politicization


We thematize the image, the place and the protagonism of the Indian in the formation of national culture and identity, from a contraposition between the Indianist literature, in which the colonizer, the anthropological model of white and Christian European, speaks about the Indian, and the contemporary Indian literature, in which the own Indian speaks from himself/herself, from his/her experiences and histories as political-cultural minority made by colonization and sustained in terms of conservative modernization. What is very impressive in this discussion is exactly the fact that the Indian as antithesis of civilization and as amorphous mass to be molded for the consecution of the new world that justifies both colonization and contemporary process of conservative modernization, serving as object to the legitimation of institutional processes, social-political subjects and projects of development that implicate in the annihilation of the Indian as Indian. In all this, the myth of racial fusion, presented by Indianist literature, is the great normative basis of our conservative modernization, because, by generating the Brazilian hybrid as a undifferentiated mix and amalgam of all races into a new being, who is and has all of everyone, erases the frontiers between dominant and dominated and, then, resolves in an apolitical way the history of violence of the colonization, constituting the great family Brazil that, from now on, will not need politics anymore, but authoritarian order and full obedience, to resolve its familiar problems.


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Author Biographies

  • Leno Francisco Danner, Universidade Federal de Rondônia

    Professor no departamento de filosofia.

  • Julie Dorrico, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

    Doutoranda em Teoria Literária.

  • Fernando Danner, Universidade Federal de Rondônia

    Professor no departamento de filosofia.


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How to Cite

Danner, L. F., Dorrico, J., & Danner, F. (2021). Da literatura indianista à literatura indígena: sobre a imagem, o lugar e o protagonismo indígena em termos de constituição da identidade cultural brasileira. Rapsódia, 1(15), 84-119. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9772.i15p84-119