Fantasmas, visões, estática: metáforas em sentido literal


  • Eduardo Pellejero Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Centro de Ciências Humanas Letras e Artes. Departamento de Filosofia.



Metaphor, Liberality, Agnès Varda, Werner Herzog, Jimi Hendrix


Staging out of the ordinary what we take for granted, installing the extraordinary within the familiar, giving body to images that undo and remake a banal world, or distorting the symbols under which the donation of the real tends to be hidden, are aesthetic procedures that restores its literal meaning to metaphor and, by that, the power art (power that goes unnoticed when thought in the context of the system of representation). Trying to be faithful to the experiences of Varda, Herzog and Hendrix, this essay seeks to articulate elements to rethink this key concept of aesthetics, at the same time that it aims to situate artistic work in this intersection of what is given and the imaginary, the involuntary and the voluntary, reality and desire.


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Author Biography

  • Eduardo Pellejero, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Centro de Ciências Humanas Letras e Artes. Departamento de Filosofia.

    Professor do departamento de filosofia da UFRN


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How to Cite

Pellejero, E. (2020). Fantasmas, visões, estática: metáforas em sentido literal. Rapsódia, 1(14), 86-99.