A poética da história: Letícia Pumar e a produção artística como pesquisa


  • Pedro Hussak Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Departamento de Filosofia.




Research, Historiography, Contemporary art, Atlas


This article consists of an analysis of the work of the artist Letícia Pumar, highlighting how it largely reflects her own trajectory. Upon contact with Aby Warburg's Atlas Mnemosyne, whose procedure lies between science and art, the researcher in the history of science begins to incorporate procedures from the artistic field to historiographic research. It is a question of emphasizing the sensitive elements of histographic research, such as the materiality of documents and the work with images in order to elaborate a poetics of historiography, that is, other possibilities of presentation of the results of a research.


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Author Biography

  • Pedro Hussak, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Departamento de Filosofia.

    Professor do departamento de filosofia da UFRJ


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How to Cite

Hussak, P. (2020). A poética da história: Letícia Pumar e a produção artística como pesquisa. Rapsódia, 1(14), 71-85. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9772.i14p71-85