Adornment listening to Stravinsky


  • Paulo Akamine Sem registro de afiliação



Adorno, Stravinski, New Music, neoclassicism, dodecafonism, serialism, music of the twentieth century, Critical Philosophy


The secondary literature thaT deals with Adorno's writings on Stravinsky tend to consider exclusively the Phlloóopft.y o À'ew Muóíc. This overlooks the faca that the author wrote several texto over a period of more than forte years and this in different contexto of criticism and intervention in the musical scene. The present research project considera the context of the controversa related to the alternative between Stravinsky and Schonberg In which the hrst reviews appeared. In these. Adorno's criticlsm of the authoritarian character of neoclassicism was already present. which would be fully developed in {he i949 book In the t96o essay. a chance of emphasis in Adorno's judgement is perceptible, pointing to a redemption of Stravinsky, due to the entirely negative character of his music. Adorno's reflection on Stravinsky thus reconstituted allows one to think about the composer beyond the widespread notlons about his work. The outcome is the posslbility of hnding a musical physiognomy which can be seen as a catalyst for the philosophical questiona of the twentieth century. its main feature being the perception of schizophrenia as a principie for the interpretation of the aesthetic and political movements of the period.


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Author Biography

  • Paulo Akamine, Sem registro de afiliação

    Bacharel em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo.






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