Peru: transition of the radical right towards authoritarianism




Right, Peru, Policy, Fujimori, Congress


The analysis of the period between Castillo's coming to power, his fall, and succession by Dina Boluarte's presidency has shown the step towards a type of authoritarian government supported by the radical right. Boluarte has set up a regime based on a right-wing Congress, the military, and the police. These groups also draw on external support, such as the Vox party in Spain. The Peruvian right, which has been characterized as a "conservative archipelago" until the Castillo government due to its internal divisions, has managed to unite in an "anti-Caviar" and "anti-communist" crusade that has state repression as a fundamental point of its political strategy to preserve the economic model inherited from Fujimori.


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Author Biography

  • Ariel Alejandro Goldstein, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Becario de Post-Doctorado del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet en el Instituto de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe) en el Instituto de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe (IEALC). Doutor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Master en Ciencia Política por laUniversidad Nacional de San Marti.  Correo:


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How to Cite

Goldstein, A. A. (2024). Peru: transition of the radical right towards authoritarianism. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 23(48), 237-261.