Decolonizing pedagogies: between experiences and theoretical-epistemological considerations




Decolonizing pedagogies, Knowledge, Practices, Latin America


“Pedagogias de(s)coloniais: Saberes e fazeres” is a collective authorship book published in 2020. It brings together the work of Argentinian, Brazilian and Bolivian researchers on the question of the decolonizing pedagogies. This review highlights the book´s contribution in terms of: the academic and practical importance of these pedagogies in challenging the modern/colonial pattern that persists in Latin America; the approach taken, from and within experiences, where theories and practices are interwoven in multiple spheres that include extension, teaching and life itself; the conceptual, epistemological and methodological insights into decolonizing pedagogies from a pluralistic and situated perspective that denounces the articulation of oppression and offers the possibility of transformation. The visibility of experiences from diverse territories, expressed in many registers, means that this book constitutes a disruption of traditional pedagogy.


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Author Biographies

  • María Mercedes Palumbo, Universidad Nacional de Luján (CONICET-UNLu) / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

    Assistant Researcher for CONICET. PhD in Educational Sciences (UBA). Undergraduate and Postgraduate Professor at the National University of Luján and the University of Buenos Aires.Argentina

  • Paula Ramírez, Universidad Nacional del Comahue

    PhD in Educational Sciences (UBA). Epistemologies of the South Specialist (CLACSO). Associate Professor at the National University of Comahue in Bariloche.

  • Inés Fernández Mouján, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y Trabajo Social

    PhD in Educational Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. Associate Professor and researcher at the National University of Mar del Plata.

  • Elson Santos Silva, Universidad Federal de Goiás. Programa de Pos-graduación Interdisciplinar en Derechos Humanos (PPGIDH)

    PhD in Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Tocantins. Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Human Rights at the Federal University of Goiás.


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FERNÁNDEZ MOUJÁN, I., SILVA CARVALHO, E.S. y RAMOS JÚNIOR, D.V. Pedagogias de(s)coloniais. Saberes e fazeres, Tocantins: Nuvem, 2020.

GRÜNER, E. (2016). Teoría crítica y Contra-Modernidad. In: GANDARILLA, J. (coord.) La crítica en el margen. Hacia una cartografía conceptual para rediscutir la modernidad. México: Akal, 2016. p. 19-60.







How to Cite

Palumbo, M. M., Ramírez, P. ., Fernández Mouján, I., & Silva, E. S. . (2021). Decolonizing pedagogies: between experiences and theoretical-epistemological considerations. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 20(39), 441-448.