Modern Overseas Migration? Main flows and projections of Chinese migration in the South American region

the case of Mercosur


  • Laura Lucía Bogado Bordazar Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Chinese migration, South America, Mercosur, Overseas


From the process of "opening" of the Popular Republic of China (1978), the emigration of citizens of mainland China and Taiwan had a significant increase in what refers to the number of migrants and the diversification of the destinations chosen by them. This expansion was favoured , among other issues, by the increased flexibility of immigration laws of China, by the political opening and expansion of this country’s economy abroad, as well as the deepening of the phenomenon of globalization, which simplified communications, lowered the costs of transport and promoted the creation of international migrants networks. As a result, and in the context of changes in the migratory and behavioral patterns of registered Chinese migrants from the last decades of the 20th century, a greater flow of income from overseas Chinese to the South America region and Mercosur in particular. The characteristics of Chinese migration in the South American integration process will be presented below.


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Author Biography

  • Laura Lucía Bogado Bordazar, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

    Master in International Relations (National University of La Plata, Argentina). Professor - Researcher Institute of International Relations, IRI, UNLP. Academic secretary of the Master's in International Relations (UNLP). Coordinator of the Department of Latin America and the Caribbean (IRI). Email:


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How to Cite

Bogado Bordazar, L. L. (2020). Modern Overseas Migration? Main flows and projections of Chinese migration in the South American region: the case of Mercosur. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 19(37), 188-213.