An investigation on the limitations of photographic printing systems for fine art reproduction: a comparison of perceptual and colorimetric rendering intents


  • Bruno Arruda Mortara Centro Universitário SENAC



Digital photography. Digital image. Image development. Printing (Art). Fine arts. Rendering. Gamut. Color spaces. Colorimetry. ICC color profiles.


Since all methods of photographic reproduction (ink on paper) result in losses in relation to the captured scene (light), this paper investigated the technical possibilities of photo reproduction – also known as “fine art” – minimizing losses in this process. The investigation used inkjet systems, with 10 colors and a Raster Image Processor (RIP) dedicated to rasterization and color management. The printed samples where made using museum-quality and high-permanence Rag Photographie Canson 310g paper, made of cotton fibers and suitable for photographic reproduction. Calibrations followed practices set by the manufacturer and produced outputs for subjective assessment of quality of reproduction and objective colorimetric reproduction fidelity. The changes took place in the use of two different rendering intents: relative colorimetric and perceptual.


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Author Biography

  • Bruno Arruda Mortara, Centro Universitário SENAC

    Mestrando da FAUUSP, graduado em Filosofia pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie e pós-graduado pelo Senac, atua principalmente na indústria gráfica e no ensino de tecnologias afins à tecnologia gráfica, e filosofia com ênfase em estética. Trabalha há 20 anos nas áreas de impressão digital, pré-impressão, colorimetria e
    workflow digitais para a indústria gráfica. Centro Universitário Senac


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How to Cite

Mortara, B. A. (2015). An investigation on the limitations of photographic printing systems for fine art reproduction: a comparison of perceptual and colorimetric rendering intents. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 21(36), 228-247.