Notes on the legacy of italian architect Vittorio Gregotti: history, contexto and design




Vittorio Gregptti, Architecture, History and theory, Comtemporary city, Urban design


Italian architect Vittorio Gregotti’s narrative still seems quite current although it was stated 40 years ago.  His text “Inside Architecture” [Il territorio dell’ architecttura] (1966) foreshadowed numerous studies and anticipated various topics, many of them are still in progress, especially the change-of-scale topic – from the object to the territory geographic scale. This represents a coherent evolution of the issues on environmental values, besides a series of designs which consolidated a possible alternative in theory and practice of megastructural utopism and land planning. However, it was only after Gregotti’s “Inside Architecture” that a number of reflections started to become deeper with reference to the environmental complexity, the scale of intervention and its relationship to the landscape, as well as the relationship between buildings typology and urban morphology. Hence, Gregotti expanded architecture’s field of action, addressing the theme of its relationship with the landscape, as geography and history.  For him, the points of interest are the territory and the city, its morphology and the reasons for its formation in history.


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BRANDOLINI, Sebastiano; CROSET, Pierre-Alain. Strategie della modificazione 2. Casabella, Roma, n. 498-499, p. 43-44, 1984.

CACCIARI, Massimo. Il maestro che si fece avanguardia senza ideologia. Jornal La Repubblica, Roma, 15 mar. 2020, Primo piano, p. 17.

GREGOTTI, Vittorio. Il territorio dell’architettura. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1966.

GREGOTTI, Vittorio. Território da arquitetura. São Paulo, Perspectiva, 1975.

GREGOTTI ,Vittorio. Modificazione. Casabella, Milano, n. 498-499, p. 2-7, 1984.

GREGOTTI, Vittorio. Le scarpe di Van Gogh: modificazione nell’architettura. Torino: Einaudi Contemporanea, 1994.

GREGOTTI, Vittorio. Architettura e postmetropoli. Torino: Einaudi, 2011.

GREGOTTI, Vittorio. Il possibile necessario. Milano: Bompiani, 2014.

GREGOTTI, Vittorio. Il territorio dell’architettura. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2014. (Edição original: 1966).

PALERMO, Pier Carlo. Trasformazioni e governo del territorio: introduzione critica. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2004.

ROSSI, Aldo. L’architettura della città. Padova: Marsilio, 1966.

TAFURI, Manfredo. Vittorio Gregotti: Progetti e architetture. Milano: Electa, 1982.

VENTURI, Robert. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. Hempstead: Doubleday, 1966.






How to Cite

Retto Júnior, A. da S. (2020). Notes on the legacy of italian architect Vittorio Gregotti: history, contexto and design. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 27(50), e168065.