The look upon the place: the case of the Isthmus of Olinda and Recife




Isthmus of Olinda and Recife, Memorialists, Representations, Statements, Preservation


The Isthmus of Olinda and Recife, between the Beberibe River and the sea, which until the early twentieth century connected these two cities, was over time instead of memory. From the twentieth century became forgetfulness. This article seeks from reading the narratives of memorialists identify different meanings attributed to the Isthmus over time, which means different forms of representation of the place. With the interpretation of the texts of the memorialists, this article seeks to understand how the Isthmus was enunciated. It is important to say that the aim is not undertake a chronological narrative with historical accuracy, but understand the impressions left by the place in these people. Revealing these assigned meanings it is also a way for review of the process to preserve the Isthmus conducted by IPHAN.


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How to Cite

Lira, F. B. (2019). The look upon the place: the case of the Isthmus of Olinda and Recife. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 26(49), e162180.