Visuospatial reasoning and its relation to external variables
In this study, the relation of age and sex with visuospatial reasoning assessed by the Cube Test was investigated. In addition, a comparative study was conducted between this study sample and the normative group of the test with regard to visuospatial reasoning performance results. Six hundred and eighty-four students participated in this study, from the city of Belo Horizonte (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil), aged between 15 and 57 years old, both male and female. The results showed both age and sex differences, where younger students showed a significantly higher performance than older students and men showed significantly higher averages than women in every test comparison. In the study with the normative sample, men showed higher averages than women throughout every age group and in the overall result of both studies. The results obtained reflect those found in the literature and highlight the influence of age and sex on visuospatial reasoning.Downloads
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