Motivational profiles in high school students: generation and use of volitional strategies
Motivation, Emotions, Students, Educational objectivesAbstract
This research had as its main purpose to analyze the generation and use of volitional strategies –motivational and emotional control-, based on the motivational profile of the students, through a mixed methodology. Two standardized instruments (CMA and AVSI) were applied to 204 Mexican high school students, between 16 and 18, to identify their motivational profile. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to understand how they generate the volitional strategies they use. Results show that most students adopted a profile oriented to multiple goals, characterized by more volitional strategies use. They also stated that they used volitional strategies to concentrate on studying and have time to perform other tasks. It is considered necessary to design programs that promote volitional strategies, strengthening the commitment and sustained effort required to achieve academic goals in high school.
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