Public relations, post-truth, and grand challenges: better research toward social value


  • Thomas Stoeckle Bournemouth University
  • Ana Adi Quadriga University



Grand challenges, Stakeholders, Post-truth, Social value, Measurement frameworks


The historical trajectory of the field, its neoliberal foundation, its organizational centrality, and an excessive confidence resulting from a quantitative and pragmatic approach are some of the reasons why it is believed that Public Relations are ill-prepared for the challenges imposed by the hypercomplex environments that emerge from the postmodern social context. This study proposes a revised and expanded planning logic to perform, measure, and evaluate communication activities with a focus on stakeholders to face large scale issues.


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Author Biography

  • Thomas Stoeckle, Bournemouth University

    Universidade de Bournemouth e Academia de Relações Públicas


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How to Cite

STOECKLE, Thomas; ADI, Ana. Public relations, post-truth, and grand challenges: better research toward social value. Organicom, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 20, n. 42, p. 86–102, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2238-2593.organicom.2023.210366. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.