Measuring investor relations and financial communication: an empirical test of scales of public relations


  • Alexander V. Laskin Quinnipiac University



Scales of public relations, Dimensions of public relations, Investor relations


Models of public relations became one of the most researched paradigms in public relations. Yet, after their reconceptualization into dimensions, researchers focused on developing models/dimensions virtually disappeared. This study proposes to continue this research by reconceptualizing models/dimensions into the public relations scales. This paper reports the first empirical test of the Scales of Public Relations by applying them to one of PR specializations – investor relations.


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Author Biography

  • Alexander V. Laskin, Quinnipiac University

    Ph.D. in Public Relations from the University of Florida.
    Professor at Quinnipiac University.


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How to Cite

LASKIN, Alexander V. Measuring investor relations and financial communication: an empirical test of scales of public relations. Organicom, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 18, n. 35, p. 95–115, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2238-2593.organicom.2021.183841. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.