À la française organizational communication: advances and perspectives


  • Alice Zozima Rego de Souza Paris Université du Sud – Toulon – Var
  • Larissa Conceição dos Santos Universidade Federal do Pampa




Organizations. Organizational communication. Public relations. Theoretical approaches. France. Resumen


The strengthening of the field of organizational communication at the global level is due, firstly, to the commitment, to the dedication and to the research of investigators involved in the formation of a theoretical and disciplinary structure that is original. Secondly, one emphasizes the necessary dialogue and interchange between the perspectives coming from different parts of the world, in view of the legitimization of scientific knowledge. In this sense, one presents an overview of organizational communication in France, highlighting the evolution of the area, the main lines of research and the researchers involved with them.


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Author Biographies

  • Alice Zozima Rego de Souza Paris, Université du Sud – Toulon – Var
    Doutoranda em Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication e pesquisadora vinculada ao Laboratoire d’Information, Milieux, Médias et Médiation (I3M), Université du Sud – Toulon – Var (USTV), em co-tutela com a Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP), sob a coorientação da Prof. Dra. Margarida M. Krohling K. Kunsch. Master Recherche em (Dispositifs Socio-Techniques d’Information et de Communication (Distic) e em Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication na Université du Sud – Toulon – Var (França). Master II em Communication E-Redactionnel na Université du Sud – Toulon – Var.
  • Larissa Conceição dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Pampa
    Doutora em Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication pela École des Hautes Études en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication (Celsa) pelo Laboratoire Gripic, da Université de Paris-Sorbonne, em cotutela com a Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA-USP), sob a coorientação da Prof. Dra. Margarida M. Krohling Kunsch. Professora substituta na Universidade Federal do Pampa (Unipampa)



How to Cite

PARIS, Alice Zozima Rego de Souza; SANTOS, Larissa Conceição dos. À la française organizational communication: advances and perspectives. Organicom, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 13, n. 24, p. 103–113, 2016. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2238-2593.organicom.2016.139320. Disponível em: https://journals.usp.br/organicom/article/view/139320.. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.