Insights into the flow characteristics of tsunami bores and surges: a case study of Malaysian coastline
Tsunami-like waves, Malaysian shore profile, Flow depths, Velocities, Momentum fluxAbstract
Tsunamis, despite their rarity, are among the deadliest natural disasters, inflicting catastrophic damage on both
coastal and inland regions. Given their highly site-specific impact, a comprehensive understanding of tsunami
wave flow characteristics is crucial for effective tsunami preparedness and for safeguarding civil engineering
structures. This study investigates the formation and progression of tsunami bores as they transition into surges
near the shore. We employed a wave-flume experimental approach, with a specific focus on the Malaysian
coastline. Experiments took place in a wave flume with a length of 40 m and a platform designed to replicate
the gentle slopes commonly found in Malaysian coastal areas vulnerable to tsunamis. The primary focus lied in
measuring key flow parameters, including flow depths and velocities near the shore. Wet bed bores were marked
by a sudden rise in water depth and considerable air entrainment in the front region. As these waves transformed
into dry bed surges, the front slope became gentler, and aeration diminished, while peak velocities increased.
Additionally, the study also delves into the relations between flow depth and velocity concerning Froude numbers
and momentum flux. The outcomes contribute significantly to global initiatives aimed at improving coastal
resilience against tsunamis.
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