
Ocean and Coastal Research covers the entire spectrum of disciplines within the Science of Oceanography, publishing articles dealing with biological oceanography, physical oceanography, marine chemistry, sedimentology and geology, and marine conservation, from coastal and estuarine waters to the open sea. Emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary, process-oriented contributions. Ocean and Coastal Research also publishes articles dedicated to results of scientific meetings and of large inter-disciplinary studies or topical issues on specific subjects as well as topic reviews, opinion essays, case reports, methods, and collective positioning in science. Manuscripts focusing on taxonomy, morphology, species occurrences, brief communications on specific biological aspects and similar topics are considered for peer review only in exceptional cases, such as in Special Article Collections.

The audience is composed of physical, chemical, and biological oceanographers, marine sedimentologists, geologists and geochemists, marine biologists and ecologists, and policy-makers interested in marine sciences.

Papers sent to Ocean and Coastal Research must report on results from original research, be written in English, and will be subjected to a rigorous peer review process, regardless of scope and type of manuscript.

  • An Ocean and Coastal Research manuscript template is available here (for MS Word format) and here (for LaTeX format). The manuscript template is a tool to assist with manuscript preparation under the ideal formatting for peer-reviewing. The use of the template is not mandatory for submission, provided the authors follow the instructions and include the required information (see sections "Manuscript preparation for initial submission" and "Accepted File Formats" below).

  • Citation Style Language (.CSL) file for use in reference managing software is available here for download in reference manager software that supports CSL format. EndNote™ users can download our citation style (.ENS) here. Detailed information on reference formatting can be found below. 

 To submit a manuscript, please access Ocean and Coastal Research submission portal: ScholarOne Manuscript Central.

Ocean and Coastal Research is a diamond open-access journal with no APC - Article Processing Charges.